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Republican state Senate candidate Desi Anderson discussed rising taxes on Springfield residents during an interview with the Peoria Standard.
“The Democrat supermajority in Springfield continues to increase taxes on families that are already paying the second highest property taxes in the nation," Anderson said. "Under Governor [J.B.] Pritzker, Americans have paid $2,288 more in taxes. This is coupled with rising inflation, increased gas prices and small businesses struggling to recover from the tyrannical shutdowns during COVID.
"Democrats in Springfield continue to take hard-earned money from working Americans and pass legislation that punishes anyone who has a job to support their families," she said. "As a small business owner myself, I will be a strong advocate for lower taxes and attracting more residents to Illinois.”
According to the Illinois Policy Journal, Illinois residents have paid $2,288 more in property taxes under the Pritzker administration on top of the net tax hike of $2,164.57. In addition, a rebate was offered this year, with the median being $279.
In addition, the Center Square reports that Illinois households have seen a 268% increase in tax bills since 1990, while average home values have only appreciated 114%. In real dollars, Illinois residents are currently paying $4,400 in property taxes.
According to, Illinois currently ranks sixth nationally for the percentage of property tax paid to property value. Collar counties experience the highest property tax rates, with Lake County ranking at the top with a median property tax rate of $6,285. Overall, the median property tax is $3,507 (7th out of 50), and the percentage of income is 5.11% (5th out of 50).
Illinois Senate 46th District is made up of both McLean and Peoria Counties. McLean County's average yearly property taxes equal 4.17% of each resident's yearly income, ranking 198th out of the country's 3,143 counties. In comparison, Peoria County's average yearly property taxes equal 3.76% of each resident's yearly income, ranking 294th out of 3,143.
Anderson was abandoned as a baby in the Eastern Block of communist Europe in Bulgaria. She graduated from Indiana University, owns a small business with her husband, Nick, and is a mother to an infant. She says her goal is to be a unifying presence and to fight back against political corruption.
Anderson will face off against Democratic incumbent state Sen. David Koehler to represent District 46 in November's general election.